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Download Bootloader

Windows, Linux, macOS, & BSD! Boot both from and into USB drives, ISO images, virtual disks, and more.Boot anywhere.Create bootable USB sticks with repair utilities that you can take with you anywhere.Protect against disaster.Create entries to boot into recovery utilities or safe mode to prepare for a rainy day.Painless editing.Add, rename, remove, configure, and reorder entries at whim.Solve difficult problems.Use EasyBCD to troubleshoot Windows, back up and repair the bootloader, and more.Powerful scripting with NeoGrubYou'll have the power to hide partitions, change active flags, and create complex boot scenarios.Select the best solution for your needs.EasyBCD can't fix a PC that won't boot.Download EasyRE instead, our one-click bootable Windows repair & recovery USB.

Download Bootloader

The MCU bootloader is a configurable flash programming utility that operates over a serial connection on supported NXP MCUs. It enables quick and easy programming through the entire product lifecycle -- from application development to final product manufacturing and beyond -- for updating applications in the field with confidence.

The bootloader is delivered in two ways: as full source code that is highly configurable; or pre-programmed by NXP into ROM or flash on select NXP MCUs. Host-side command line and GUI tools are available to communicate with the bootloader. The MCU bootloader uses startup, header files, and peripheral drivers from MCUXpresso SDK.

SPIWP:0xNN indicates a custom WP pin value, which is stored in the bootloader header. This pin value is only used if SPI flash pins have been remapped via efuse (as shown in the configsip value).All custom pin values but WP are encoded in the configsip byte loaded from efuse, and WP is supplied in the bootloader header.

mode can be DIO, DOUT, QIO, or QOUT. QIO and QOUT are not supported here, to boot in a Quad I/O mode the ROM bootloader should load the software bootloader in a Dual I/O mode and then the ESP-IDF software bootloader enables Quad I/O based on the detected flash chip mode.

clock div: N is the SPI flash clock frequency divider. This is an integer clock divider value from an 80MHz APB clock, based on the supplied --flash_freq argument (ie 80MHz=1, 40MHz=2, etc).The ROM bootloader actually loads the software bootloader at a lower frequency than the flash_freq value. The initial APB clock frequency is equal to the crystal frequency, so with a 40MHz crystal the SPI clock used to load the software bootloader will be half the configured value (40MHz/2=20MHz).When the software bootloader starts it sets the APB clock to 80MHz causing the SPI clock frequency to match the value set when flashing.

You can compare these values to the software bootloader image by running --chip esp32 image_info /path/to/bootloader.bin to dump image info including a summary of each segment. Corresponding details will also be found in the bootloader ELF file headers.

Some applications require a customized bootloader to meet requirements outside of the BSL provided. Additionally, some MSP MCUs, such as the MSP430F5xxx, MSP430F6xxx and SimpleLink MSP432 MCU families, allow the user to customize the factory programmed BSL; however, most devices have a BSL in ROM that cannot be changed. For these devices an alternative BSL solution such as a main memory bootloader would need to be used to customize the boot loading process

The BSL Scripter is a command line program used to communicate with the MSP430 MCU BSL on a PC operating Windows, Linux and macOS X through a communication bridge. Supported communication bridges include the MSP-BSL programmer ("BSL Rocket"), the MSP-FET, and the USB BSL on certain MSP430 flash-based devices. See the BSL Scripter User Guide for more information on how to use this program. Within the BSL Scripter Software download, BSLDEMO2 (deprecated command line tool for BSL) is also included for older devices not supported by the BSL Scripter. BSLScipter is available standalone and integrated within UniFlash v4.6.0 or greater.

Some applications require a customized bootloader to meet requirements outside of the BSL provided. Additionally, some MSP MCUs, such as the MSP430F5xxx, MSP430F6xxx and SimpleLink MSP432 MCU families, allow the user to customize the factory programmed BSL; however, most devices have a BSL in ROM that cannot be changed.

The Crypto-Bootloader (CryptoBSL) is a custom bootloader that was developed and implemented on MSP430FR59xx and MSP430FR69xx FRAM microcontrollers. This bootloader uses cryptographic functions to enable increased security for in-field firmware updates.

The STM32 Flash loader demonstrator (FLASHER-STM32) is a free software PC utility from STMicroelectronics, which runs on Microsoft OSs and communicates through the RS232 with the STM32 system memory bootloader. To get an example of how to execute the device bootloader, refer to the STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode Application note (AN2606). To get information about the USART protocol used in the STM32 bootloader, refer to the USART protocol used in the STM32 bootloader Application note (AN3155).

In the Azure Virtual Desktop Service framework, there are three main components: the Remote Desktop client, the service, and the virtual machines. These virtual machines live in the customer subscription where the Azure Virtual Desktop agent and agent bootloader are installed. The agent acts as the intermediate communicator between the service and the virtual machines, enabling connectivity. Therefore, if you're experiencing any issues with the agent installation, update, or configuration, your virtual machines won't be able to connect to the service. The agent bootloader is the executable that loads the agent.

The Azure Virtual Desktop agent is initially installed in one of two ways. If you provision virtual machines (VMs) in the Azure portal and Azure Marketplace, the agent and agent bootloader are automatically installed. If you provision VMs using PowerShell, you must manually download the agent and agent bootloader .msi files when creating a Azure Virtual Desktop host pool with PowerShell. Once the agent is installed, it installs the Azure Virtual Desktop side-by-side stack and Geneva Monitoring agent. The side-by-side stack component is required for users to securely establish reverse server-to-client connections. The Geneva Monitoring agent monitors the health of the agent. All three of these components are essential for end-to-end user connectivity to function properly.

make PLATFORM=Photon for the Photon, in the top-level directory creates the bootloader and firmware binaries for your device, which are output to subdirectories of the build/target/ directory.

@bko Thanks, I did notice those links but I was wondering if there was a place on Github that has all of the historical bootloader binaries for the different platforms in one place. I was concerned that there have been updates to the bootloader recently, and that the JTAG/SWD guide is a bit old now that the latest stable release is up to 0.6.2:

After taking an Android 13 update and successfully booting the device postupdate, an Android 12 build resides in the inactive slot (seamless updatesfor more information on slots) of the device. The inactive slot contains anolder bootloader whose anti-rollback version has not been incremented.If the active slot is then flashed with a build that fails to boot, thefallback mechanism of seamless updates kicks in and the device tries toboot from the inactive slot. Since the inactive slot contains the olderbootloader, the device enters an unbootable state.

To avoid hitting this state, if you are flashing a Pixel 6, Pixel 6a, orPixel 6 Pro device with an Android 13 build for the first time, pleaseflash the bootloader partition to the inactive slot after successfullyupdating and booting into Android 13 at least once. This can be done byfollowing these steps:

Extract the contents of the factory ROM .zip file, identify thebootloader image in the extracted files, and follow the sequence of eventsas listed below to flash the bootloader to both the slots. Substitute thename of the bootloader image with that of your device for the Pixel 6 andPixel 6a.

Flash the Android 13 bootloader to the inactive slot. The following commandis specific to a particular build of a Pixel 6 Pro device. Substitute thename of the bootloader image determined in the first step above, ifdifferent, for the image file name argument.

After flashing the inactive slot bootloader to an Android 13 bootloader,reboot to that slot to ensure that the bootloader will be marked asbootable. Important: Please run the exact sequence of commands as listedbelow. Don't forget to enter the full line fastboot reboot bootloader whenrebooting. Failure to do so may leave your device in an unbootable state.

Downloading of the system image and use of the device software is subject to theGoogle Terms of Service. Bycontinuing, you agree to theGoogle Terms of Service andPrivacy Policy. Yourdownloading of the system image and use of the device software may also besubject to certain third-party terms of service, which can be found inSettings > About phone > Legal information, or as otherwise provided.

To install: extract the contents of the .zip file to a normal (FAT formatted) SD card, and put it in your Raspberry Pi.This can be simply done under Windows without any special image writer software.Once you start your Pi it will start an installer that reformats the SD card and downloads the operating systems files from the Internet.

In some instances, a Catalyst 9000 switch boots in rommon, a bootloader prompt that becomes available either when the switch cannot load a full Cisco IOS software image, or when you have manually interrupted the normal boot process to perform actions like password recovery.

The switch: prompt indicates that the device is in rommon / bootloader mode. The bootloader provides a limited set of actions to administer the device. To see the list of available actions, issue the ? command at the switch: prompt. 041b061a72


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